Sunday, October 5, 2008




Amber is a fossilized resin and is usually golden to yellow-brown in colour. Some amber has been found to contain red, blue, or green hues.

Amber allows the body to heal itself by absorbing and transmuting negative energy to positive energy. It emits a sunny and bright soothing energy which helps to calm nerves and to enliven the disposition.

The different colours of amber may be used on the appropriate chakras to facilitate opening and cleansing.

It is a stone dedicated to the connection of the conscious self to universal perfection. It helps one in the art of manifestation to bring that which is desired to the state of reality. It stimulates the intellect and opens the crown chakra. It also transmutes the energy of physical vitality towards the activation of unconditional love.

Amber provides an energy to kindle the realization and subsequent response of choice, helping one to choose and to be chosen.

It has been used as a symbol for renewal of marriage vows and to assure promises. It ahs been said to bring good luck to warriors.

It is a sacred stone to both the native American and eastern Indians. It has also been used in the fire ceremonies of ancient tribal healers. It was burned, beginning in the medieval days, as a fumigant and as an incense to clear the environment of negativity.

It is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest.

It aligns the ethereal energies to the physical, mental and emotional bodies, providing for an even flow of perfect order to the requirements of the earth plane while balancing the electro magnetics of the physical body.

It cleanse the environment in which it rests and is an excellent mineral for use in purifying birthing and rebirting rooms. It also acts to purify ones body, mind and spirit when worn, carried or used as an elixir.

It has been used in the treatment of goiter and other diseases of the throat. It has also been successful in the treatment of disorders of the kidneys and bladder. In ancient times, it was used as a penicilin type remedy, ground and ingested or soaked and subsequently consumed.

Vibrates to the number 3.

Myth and history

Amber ahs been found in Palaeolithic graves and was the material for early amulets. Called the honey stone, or petrified sunlight, in china, amber was thought to contain the souls of many tigers and the power of many suns. Another oriental legend claims amber is drops of petrified dragon’s blood. In the classical world, it was believed that amber was formed by the setting rays of the sun upon the sea. A Christian legend says amber was the solidified tears of birds at the crucifixion.

The Vikings called amber the tears of freyja, after their goddess of love who once sold her favours to the dwarves in return for an amber necklace. Thus amber became a symbol of passion love, female sexuality and fertility. In wicca, an in shamanism, it is used as a gateway to other realms.

Divinatory significance

Amber indicates that this is a time for deciding what you want. As a stone of prosperity, it indicates that your efforts may at last be recognized.


Amber stimulates the body’s self healing abilities. If you are working as a healer, it will stop you absorbing negative energies. It helps to improve short term memory, relieves stomach ailments, soothes sore throats and inner ear complaints and aids digestion. It strengthens the spine, lungs and central nervous system, and speeds cell regeneration. It is also good for speech problems.

On an emotional level, amber is an excellent crystal for relieving depression and anxiety. It increases inner radiance and strengthens a sense of self worth.

Uses at home and work

Amber attracts prosperity and c\success. It melts rigid or confrontational attitudes in others and is excellent if a workplace is fiercely competitive.


The crystal helps shy children to relax in social situations. It will also protect them from spite and sarcasm in the class room and in the playground.


Amber is useful to help older animals trigger their self healing powers.

Protective functions.

Amber was used by the roman gladiators as an amulet to protect against both danger and fear. A stone of courage, it will help you to face opposition.

Psychic Associations.

Amber provides a good focus for past life work. Burn an orange candle after dark and gaze through half closed eyes into the depths of the amber crystal.

For astral travel, hold amber up to the sunlight creating a doorway of radiance within the amber. Visualize yourself passing through it. Then lie down, placing the warm amber on top of your clothes in the centre of your stomach, a few inches above your naval, on the solar plexus chakra. Close your eyes and in your mind, follow the amber path through the doorway.

In fertility magic, a rounded amber and pointed jet crystal are put in a red cloth bag, tied with three red knots and placed under the bed during lovemaking.

Carry amber in a charm or lucky bag to increase your psychic powers. Place a piece of amber on a magical altar for power and protection and when you are going to channel the wisdom of the goddess.

Environment work

Amber protects against modern technological pollution. It also helps to safe guard ancient sites from vandalism and from unscrupulous developers. Place your amber in the setting sun on top of a photograph of a site for a few minutes and send your wishes for the place through the crystal. Amber cleanses the seas and is valuable in rituals for areas that are under threat from erosion or from high tides.

Special properties

Its magnetic properties have made amber an important stone for attracting love, and an amber necklace or pendant is said to attract lovers. On a moer general level, it transforms negative into positive energy.

Recharging its energies

Charge amber in sunlight at noon for a few minutes, especially at the summer solstice.

TYPE : organic gem made from fossilized resin from coniferous trees that grew about thirty million years ago.

COLOUR : Translucent, yellow or golden orange, sometimes brown often containing fossilized insects or tiny plants. Occasionally black, violet, green or blue.





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