Monday, October 6, 2008




Nuummit, the oldest living mineral, was formed over three billi

Nuummit, the oldest living mineral, was formed over three billion years ago. It crystallizes in the form of laminates. The polished form is black and nearly opaque. The large specimens usually exhibit one color in the middle and one color around the middle. However, occasionally, several colors are represented in the configuration of a spectrum. The iridescent spectral color range includes gold, copper, purple, mauve, silver, green, green-blue, and blue.

This mineral can be used to open, to activate and to integrate the chakras. It provides for grounding, via the chakras, to both the Earth and the ethereal body. It aligns all of the subtle bodies and both balances and aligns the chakras. It is useful for removal of energy blockages. It is an excellent energy source, exhibiting an electro-magnetic energy field, and providing for the transfer of energy from the etheric body to the physical. It can be used to fill the voids and to remove the “muddy” areas in the auric field. It has also been used to both fill and heal the openings which remain after the removal of undesired implanted thought forms originating in other worlds.

It provides for a circular energy connecting the crown and the base chakras. It further provides for a spiral of energy which provides for the continuity between the chakras of this plane and the purity of the ethereal body.

It has been used to teach one that the bonds and constraints placed upon a person are self-imposed and easily discarded. It helps one to decide with the heart, that which is really important and to plan for, and to initiate, the release of any binding ideas.

This mineral possesses a defending quality and is an excellent preventive which will shield one from many forms of negative energy. Simply having a piece of nuummit on ones person brings in this protective, shielding aspect of the stone which works on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels.

It can also help to protect against the negative vibrations of pollutants, at the physical level, via the creation of an energy field which it builds within the aura.

It assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting the understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions.

It also stimulates the powers of the intellect, enhancing memory and promoting recall of relevant information when required. It further promotes the synthesis of intellectual thought and intuitive, mystical, and physic wisdom. It facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought such that one can implement the instructions provided. It also assists one in the verbalization of those thoughts.

It assists one to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance.

It can be used to encourage flashes of intuition and insight. The iridescent quality induces a gentle vitality to ones pursuits in the spiritual realm and assists in the alignment between the spiritual self and the psychic and astral planes. It has also been used by the wise ones of ancient civilizations to invoke visions and to provide insight into the answer required to facilitate healing on all levels.

Nuummit can be used in general healing and in tissue regeneration. It has been used to relieve pain and discomfort associated with headaches and degenerative disease. It can be used to disperse infections, to purify the blood and the kidneys, and to regulate insulin production. It can also be used in the treatment of disorders of the throat, the vision, and the eyes. It has been used to clarify and to strengthen the eyesight and the speech. It is an excellent stone for the stimulation of the triple burner meridians as defined by acupressure/ acupuncture specialists. It can also be used to stimulate circulation, to assist in the recovery from Parkinson’s disease, to treat disorders of the central nervous system, to treat disorders of the brain, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce anxiety and stress.

Vibrates to the number 3.




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